En su poema “Piececitos”, Gabriela Mistral criticaba la dura situación en la que vivían los niños a comienzos del siglo XX. Cien años después los niños y jóvenes se encuentran frente a otra dura realidad, navegando en un mundo que cambia aceleradamente producto del cambio global. Pero las nuevas generaciones co-mienzan a adaptarse, cultivando nuevas relaciones con su entorno, con sus comu-nidades y con el conocimiento mismo. En esta exposición realizada durante el año 2019, la bióloga y artista Fernanda Oyarzún muestra algunas reflexiones e historias entretejidas entre el arte, la ciencia y el cambio global. Durante más de un año la artista acompañó a los científicos del Núcleo Milenio MUSELS quienes investigan la capacidad de resiliencia de las comunidades y ecosistemas en torno la acuicul-tura de moluscos en Chile. Explorando y cuestionando el entorno junto a los niños, jóvenes y adultos de las localidades de Tongoy y Caleta el Manzano, y junto a los artistas e ilustradores científicos Alonso Salazar, Felipe Portilla, y Sol Pacheco, nos encontramos con ideas, esperanzas, sueños, historias y emociones, los granos de arenas de esta nueva realidad.
Girl plays with the socio-ecological variables of climate change. The cubes show the molecules of the ocean acidification process. The work invites us to reflect on how to approach reality with an open mind, as children, to imagine other interactions, different futures. How would you cultivate the world in an interdisciplinary way? How to incorporate emotions, dreams and imaginaries into scientific research? How do we change our relationship with knowledge, with our livelihood, and with the sea? How do we start over?
Technical sheet: Ceramic sculptural stoneware created by Fernanda Oyarzún based on research on socio-ecological factors, stories, and emotions at Caletas Tongoy (Coquimpo Region), Caleta El MAnzano and Hornopirén (Los Lagos Region, Chile). Fired in an electric kiln, underglazes, glaze and encaustic finishes. Additional items: piece of net from Caleta el Manzano .
Oyarzún’s audiovisual research journal that invites us to reflect on stories and intertwined knowledge. In the first year of research, the artist documented through various media stories, accounts, and interactions of MUSELS scientists, the community, and organizations in their process of adaptation to climate change in Tongoy, Coliumo, Caleta el Manzano, and Hornopirén. Photorecords, videos, conversation notes, newsletters and scientific publications, conversations with local artisans and artists feed this visualization of the new imaginaries that are being created. Here are the beginnings of an effort on how to explore and cultivate art + science + community knowledge. This research has generated various sculptural projects and other collaborations, from workshops to murals. Art, like science, is a living process in permanent construction and this is only the beginning.
Technical sheet: Videos and photographs made mostly by Fernanda Oyar-zún, but also with contributions from Pilar Martínez, Gonzalo Muñoz, Luisa Saavedra, Nicolás Saez. An excerpt was taken from a talk given by MUSELS researcher Dr. Laura Ramajo in Ciencia Sin Ficción, and an interview with the director of MUSELS Dr. Cristian Vargas in Desde El Jardín, on Radio Pauta, as well as material made for the Bienal Concepción, Art and Science with your permission.
The process of “Creating Realities” was part of “Bienal Concepción arte & Ciencia, versión cero”
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